For an average person, the figure known as “The Teacher” is the most
respected person in their life, after their parents and family. However, no teacher is perfect and not everyone appreciates the teacher as much as they should.
Shocking footage has been emerged from China, showing a bunch of High-School students turning on their teacher and beating him.
The clip, recorded through a student’s phone, starts off with the male teacher arguing with a pupil in a classroom while both are seen
grabbing onto their wrists. The argument then escalates quickly as the teacher grabs the student from his neck.
Following the neck grab another student rush in to help his schoolmate by shoving the teacher away. The duo then gang-up against the teacher, attacking him as he cowers in the corner. Three more students are seen joining the brawl and throwing punches and kicks at the teacher.
The brawl comes to a stop but then the teacher slaps the boy who he grabbed by the neck, making the students gang-up on him once again.
According to Chinese media, authorities are investigating into the incident. Chinese media also state that the Principal of the school has been suspended and the students and teacher in question are being questioned.
Reports from China say that the teacher was in the process of collecting test scripts from students.
However, the student who the whole incident started with had refused to hand over his paper to the teacher.
The rest? The video below shows what followed.
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